If you're an aspiring Indiehacker, or just generally interested in hearing about
the weekly developments of two very effective business people, and don't listen
to Bootstrapped Web [http://bootstrappedweb.com/], then you're missing out.
I've been listening to Brian [https://twitter.com/CasJam] and Jordan's
[https://twitter.com/JordanGal] podcast
Since I found out that the Tesla logo is actually a cross-section of an electric
motor, I thought it might be cool to play around with it as a loading icon,
having it spin or rotate in some meaningful way. Here's my first attempt. This
is also my first proper
It's been a weird path, I originally just wanted a cool loading icon for my side
project mydevportfol.io [https://mydevportfol.io], but building loading icons
has now evolved into a bit of an addiction for me, and I've gotten quite a few
requests for tutorials. I've written tutorial posts
I promised, I delivered (eventually). I shared my SVG coding loading animation a
month or two ago on reddit's /r/webdev
, and it went down fairly well. In my original post
In this post, I’ll show you how I went about coding an animated SVG (Scalable
Vector Graphic) to convey to users of my web application mydevportfol.io
[https://mydevportfol.io] that code is being written/generated for them while
the app loads. I’ve really liked SVG icons for
9 min readPublic
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